Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sun Safety Matters All Year Long... Baby Banz Inc

Sun Safety is something that we all think about during the summer months, but what about the fall and winter? The sun's damaging rays are around us all year round, and just because it's overcast outside does not mean your children are safe from the same potential UV damage they would receive in full sunlight. Too often the sunscreen and sunglasses get packed away in August leaving kids squinting and exposed during colder weather. Make sun safety a habit year round, your kids will thank you for it when they are older!

Some good year-round sun prevention tips:
  1. Wear a wide-brimmed hat that is large enough to allow for plenty of air flow.
  2. Avoid a lot of activity or stay in the shade during the hottest time of the day (between 10 AM and 2 PM).
  3. Avoid lengthy exposure to the sun.
  4. Apply a sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher anytime kids are in direct sunlight (talk to your pediatrician about using sunscreen on any child younger than 6 months of age).
  5. Wear sunglasses that are UVA/UVB CSA certified and block out 100% of UVA/B rays - like Baby Banz - going skiing or sledding? Try Ski Banz Ski Goggles!